How do networks wirings change in time? (network robustness, temporal networks)į. Dynamics and spreading phenomena on networks (epidemics / information spreading, diffusion)Į.
Cytoscape geography how to#
How to analyze networks? (centrality measures, community detection, statistical analyses etc.)ĭ. How to construct networks from real data?ī. Here we will provide an introduction to the field of Network Science, from the theoretical foundations (generating, analysing, perturbing networks) to the practical hands-on part (analysis and visualisation of a real-world networks).Ī. With the recent rise of social networks in the last decade, their use has now become widespread in the digital world. Why focus on network data? Over the past century, network studies have had significant impact in disciplines as varied as mathematics, sociology, physics, biology, computer science or quantitative geography, giving birth to Network Science as a field of itself.

The course will be divided into a big data and a network data parts. Topics will cover data project management, infrastructure of big data, data analysis and visualisation, and mental health data.

This course will provide an introduction to the field of big data, with a focus on network data and data for mental health. The course will take place on Wednesdays 9am-12pm beginning 16 October 2019 to 22 January 2020 I am teaching the course “ Big data and network science” as part of the Digital Masters if the CRI, along with Liubov Tupikina, Loic Saint Roch, Anirudh Krishnakumar, and Felix Schoeller.